Welcome to the new Shadow Speedrun Website!

Website Under Construction

The goal of this website is to be the hub for information regarding speedrunning for Shadow the Hedgehog and it's ROM hacks.

This new site plans to be everything the first site was for documentation, plus new features to help manage speedruns and community events.

What is available on this site now?

Initial launch of the new leaderboard for Shadow runs. Currently limited to Shadow SX to figure out any bugs or issues.

Once things look good, Shadow Reloaded will be added, then a migration from SRC for Console Shadow.

What is current in development for the site?

Migrate current documents from MkDocs. Same format and workflow, but native to site for rendering.

Game / ROM Hack Summary Pages.

News page for announcements and updates.

User Accounts for manging runs and leaderboard data.

Join our Discord for Community Discussion